The SD57 DFL convention can forward up to 40 resolutions to the State Platform Committee for possible consideration by the State Convention. The resolutions that pass the 60% threshold, receiving the highest number of votes up to the number allowed, will be forwarded.
1. Abortion is Health Care
We support eliminating current abortion restrictions in order to ensure that every Minnesotan has unrestricted access to the full spectrum of pregnancy care.
2. Accessible Housing
We support prioritizing solutions to our housing crisis, including dramatically expanding resources for affordable homes, rental, and homeownership, including: protecting public housing and preserving what is affordable today; protecting the rights of renters, balanced with the rights of property owners; preventing displacement and providing stability, adequate shelter, emergency services, and housing support for the needs of all Minnesotans.
3. Ban Conversion Therapy
We support banning conversion therapy as an attempt to change the sexual orientation of youth.
4. Ban Sulfide-Ore Mining
We support a ban of sulfide-ore copper mining in all federal and state lands in the Rainy River Headwaters.
5. Broadband Internet Access
We support high speed broadband internet service being categorized as a public utility with oversight and regulations under the authority of the public utilities commission.
6. Broadband Internet Funding
We support a fully funded mandate for border-to-border high speed internet service in a public/private partnership.
7. Carbon Dividend Act
We support legislation like the federal Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act that puts a steadily rising fee on carbon dioxide and returns the revenue generated to households through monthly dividends to offset the increased cost of energy while dramatically reducing emissions and preserving a livable climate.
8. Care of the Disabled
We support mandating a safe ratio of staff to disabled clients both while in the institutional setting as well as on supervised outings.
9. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets 'net zero' emissions by 2040.
10. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets or exceeds 'net zero' emissions by 2030.
11. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets or exceeds 'net zero' emissions by 2050.
12. Climate Science Education
We support adding a climate science curriculum to all K-12 public schools in Minnesota based on research from sources including the University of Minnesota, Stanford University, NAAEE, NEA, and NASA.
13. Common Sense Gun Violence Prevention
We support common-sense gun violence prevention measures to keep guns out of the hands of people who've proven themselves to be dangerous, including criminal background checks on all gun sales and extreme risk protection orders (often referred to as red flag laws).
14. Community Housing for the Disabled
We support government funding of disabled housing to be prioritized in overall subsidized housing development.
15. Copper-Sulfide Mining
We support a 'prove it first' moratorium on all copper-sulfide mining projects until unbiased scientific review proves that this type of mining can be done safely in a water-rich environment like Northeastern Minnesota.
16. Decriminalize Marijuana
We support the decriminalization of possession of 2 oz. or less of marijuana.
17. Divesting Fossil Fuels
We support divestment from fossil-fuel funds by the Minnesota State Board of Investment.
18. Driver’s License for Immigrants
We support passing an Immigrant Bill of Rights that includes the right for all immigrants to receive a driver's license.
19. Durable Medical Equipment
We support the coverage of durable medical equipment be mandated under government pharmacy-benefit plans.
20. Education Attainment Gap
We support closing the educational attainment gap.
21. Electric Fleets & Charging
We support renewable electrification of fleets and development of bi-directional charging infrastructure.
22. Electrify Transportation
We support policies that encourage renewable electrification of fleets, electric charging infrastructure (V1G, utility managed charging), and multi-unit dwelling charging infrastructure.
23. End of Life Options
We support giving terminally ill adults access to a full range of end-of-life options including medical aid in dying so that mentally capable Minnesotans are free to make end-of-life decisions that are best for them and their families.
24. Equal Rights
We support the addition of an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota.
25. FMLA & Childcare
We support paid family and medical leave, universal childcare with no family's child care expenses exceeding 7% of their income, and early childhood educators and care providers being paid a living wage.
26. Forever Green
We support providing long-term funding to the University of Minnesota to expand the Forever Green research initiative, embrace regenerative agriculture policies, support farmers building soil, protect clean water, and sequester carbon.
27. Forever Initiative at U of M
We support providing $12 million per biennium in long-term funding to the University of Minnesota to expand the Forever Green research initiative, embrace regenerative agriculture policies, support farmers building soil, protect clean water, and sequester carbon.
28. Fossil Fuel Moratorium
We support a moratorium on any new fossil-fuel power generation capacity whose economic life extends beyond 2030, including any new or replacement crude oil pipelines in Minnesota.
29. Funding Medical Assistance
We oppose block grants and per capita caps that would cut current medical assistance and its expansion.
30. Housing Payment Standard
We support that all entities engaged in servicing Section 8 housing leases make the annual adjustment in standards to those leases at the start of each year, regardless of lease renewal date.
31. Insulin Affordability
We support controlling exploitive insulin pricing and providing easy emergency access for anyone in critical need.
32. Legalize Marijuana
We support legalizing recreational marijuana and collecting taxes on sales of marijuana.
33. Lower Tax on Charitable Gambling
We support lowering taxes on charitable gambling so more of that revenue can go to local communities rather than going to pay for the stadium.
34. Mail Order Prescriptions
We support increasing the safe and reliable delivery of mail order medications and providing patients options for alternate methods of filling drugs.
35. Mental Health Coverage
We support expanding Mental Health Care, Counseling, and Chemical Dependency choices for Minnesotans on Medicare.
36. Mental Health Services
We support increasing the accessibility of comprehensive and equitable mental health services for all families.
37. Mental Illness Justice
We support jail and prison diversion with adequate access to mental health care for inmates as well as funding for community competency restoration programs.
38. Minimum Wage
We support increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2022.
39. Minority Education
We support giving assistance to minority populations to afford college or vocational training in order to raise their standard of living and reduce incarceration.
40. Oppose Enbridge Line 3
We support protecting the environment from climate change and oil spills by opposing the building of the Enbridge #3 oil pipeline.
41. OSHA Protections
We support legislation to align Minnesota OSHA penalties with the Federal OSHA penalties as Minnesota is currently out of step with the Federal penalties.
42. OSHA Protections
We support setting OSHA air quality standards for enclosed and partially enclosed construction sites to be equal to the air-quality standards of non-construction sites with respect to parts per million of dust, fibers and any other friable substances, gases and vapors.
43. Pesticides
We support policies to reduce or eliminate the use of unsafe pesticides (such as glyphosate, neonicotinoids and chlorpyrifos).
44. Pre-K Education
We support state-funded pre-Kindergarten education for all children.
45. Pre-K Education
We support state-funded pre-Kindergarten education for children starting at age 4.
46. Prevent Elder Abuse
We support preventing elder abuse by ensuring and enforcing regulatory oversight of long-term care facilities, providing adequate wages and reimbursements for care, and imposing appropriate penalties for abuse of elders.
47. Protect Contract Workers
We support legislation that uses the ABC test (determines independent-contractor status), since 10 to 30 percent of employers misclassify employees as independent contractors, to ensure working Minnesotans are properly classified and can enjoy all the rights, protections, and benefits they deserve as employees per the National Labor Relations Act.
48. Protect the Boundary Waters
We support protection of the BWCA from reduction in size and all forms of air or water pollution.
49. Protect Wolves
We oppose laws that allow recreational wolf hunting and trapping or the use of snares. We support grants for using non-lethal wolf prevention methods on farms, fair compensation for livestock losses, and increased public education regarding wolves.
50. Public School Funding
We support increasing per-pupil funding for Minnesota's K-12 public schools by 10%.
51. Public School Funding
We support levying a wealth tax on large corporations and the top 1% of Minnesotans in order to fully fund the state's K-12 public schools.
52. Public Transit
We support accessible and affordable public transit, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, thus improving air quality, health, economic opportunity, and reducing carbon emissions.
53. Ranked Choice Voting
We support Ranked Choice Voting "Local Options" and statewide legislation.
54. Reduce Single-Use Plastics
We support reducing the use of single-use plastic items by all government agencies and businesses by 2022.
55. Renewable Fuel
We support adherence to the Renewable Fuels Standard by all refiners without exception.
56. Reroute Line 3
We support the rerouting of the Enbridge #3 Pipeline to minimize the potential negative impacts on the environment and significant sacred cultural and economic areas for our Native Peoples.
57. Restoring Vote
We support legislation that would allow people to vote after they have served their time and are living in the community.
58. Reusable Shopping Bags
We support increasing taxes on paper and plastic bags to encourage use of reusable bags.
59. Sustainable Farming
We support eliminating corporate farm subsidies and supporting sustainable farming by promoting local sourcing of food, funding education, and providing added incentives for pesticide-free and GMO-free crops.
60. Taxing Social Security
We support eliminating Minnesota income taxes on Social Security payments while adding a wealth tax on the top 10% of earners to make up the difference.
61. Tran & Non-Binary Rights
We support the addition of gender-neutral public spaces throughout Minnesota.
62. Violence Prevention Research
We support funding gun-violence research and using the findings to combat gun violence.
63. Volunteers for Specialized Transportation
We support legislation that allows volunteer drivers to be reimbursed for driving expenses without being classified as hired carriers.
64. Work Week
We support legislation to enact a 40-hour work week.
1. Abortion is Health Care
We support eliminating current abortion restrictions in order to ensure that every Minnesotan has unrestricted access to the full spectrum of pregnancy care.
2. Accessible Housing
We support prioritizing solutions to our housing crisis, including dramatically expanding resources for affordable homes, rental, and homeownership, including: protecting public housing and preserving what is affordable today; protecting the rights of renters, balanced with the rights of property owners; preventing displacement and providing stability, adequate shelter, emergency services, and housing support for the needs of all Minnesotans.
3. Ban Conversion Therapy
We support banning conversion therapy as an attempt to change the sexual orientation of youth.
4. Ban Sulfide-Ore Mining
We support a ban of sulfide-ore copper mining in all federal and state lands in the Rainy River Headwaters.
5. Broadband Internet Access
We support high speed broadband internet service being categorized as a public utility with oversight and regulations under the authority of the public utilities commission.
6. Broadband Internet Funding
We support a fully funded mandate for border-to-border high speed internet service in a public/private partnership.
7. Carbon Dividend Act
We support legislation like the federal Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act that puts a steadily rising fee on carbon dioxide and returns the revenue generated to households through monthly dividends to offset the increased cost of energy while dramatically reducing emissions and preserving a livable climate.
8. Care of the Disabled
We support mandating a safe ratio of staff to disabled clients both while in the institutional setting as well as on supervised outings.
9. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets 'net zero' emissions by 2040.
10. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets or exceeds 'net zero' emissions by 2030.
11. Clean Energy
We support transitioning to a 100% equitable and clean energy economy in a way that reduces racial, gender, & economic disparities and that meets or exceeds 'net zero' emissions by 2050.
12. Climate Science Education
We support adding a climate science curriculum to all K-12 public schools in Minnesota based on research from sources including the University of Minnesota, Stanford University, NAAEE, NEA, and NASA.
13. Common Sense Gun Violence Prevention
We support common-sense gun violence prevention measures to keep guns out of the hands of people who've proven themselves to be dangerous, including criminal background checks on all gun sales and extreme risk protection orders (often referred to as red flag laws).
14. Community Housing for the Disabled
We support government funding of disabled housing to be prioritized in overall subsidized housing development.
15. Copper-Sulfide Mining
We support a 'prove it first' moratorium on all copper-sulfide mining projects until unbiased scientific review proves that this type of mining can be done safely in a water-rich environment like Northeastern Minnesota.
16. Decriminalize Marijuana
We support the decriminalization of possession of 2 oz. or less of marijuana.
17. Divesting Fossil Fuels
We support divestment from fossil-fuel funds by the Minnesota State Board of Investment.
18. Driver’s License for Immigrants
We support passing an Immigrant Bill of Rights that includes the right for all immigrants to receive a driver's license.
19. Durable Medical Equipment
We support the coverage of durable medical equipment be mandated under government pharmacy-benefit plans.
20. Education Attainment Gap
We support closing the educational attainment gap.
21. Electric Fleets & Charging
We support renewable electrification of fleets and development of bi-directional charging infrastructure.
22. Electrify Transportation
We support policies that encourage renewable electrification of fleets, electric charging infrastructure (V1G, utility managed charging), and multi-unit dwelling charging infrastructure.
23. End of Life Options
We support giving terminally ill adults access to a full range of end-of-life options including medical aid in dying so that mentally capable Minnesotans are free to make end-of-life decisions that are best for them and their families.
24. Equal Rights
We support the addition of an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota.
25. FMLA & Childcare
We support paid family and medical leave, universal childcare with no family's child care expenses exceeding 7% of their income, and early childhood educators and care providers being paid a living wage.
26. Forever Green
We support providing long-term funding to the University of Minnesota to expand the Forever Green research initiative, embrace regenerative agriculture policies, support farmers building soil, protect clean water, and sequester carbon.
27. Forever Initiative at U of M
We support providing $12 million per biennium in long-term funding to the University of Minnesota to expand the Forever Green research initiative, embrace regenerative agriculture policies, support farmers building soil, protect clean water, and sequester carbon.
28. Fossil Fuel Moratorium
We support a moratorium on any new fossil-fuel power generation capacity whose economic life extends beyond 2030, including any new or replacement crude oil pipelines in Minnesota.
29. Funding Medical Assistance
We oppose block grants and per capita caps that would cut current medical assistance and its expansion.
30. Housing Payment Standard
We support that all entities engaged in servicing Section 8 housing leases make the annual adjustment in standards to those leases at the start of each year, regardless of lease renewal date.
31. Insulin Affordability
We support controlling exploitive insulin pricing and providing easy emergency access for anyone in critical need.
32. Legalize Marijuana
We support legalizing recreational marijuana and collecting taxes on sales of marijuana.
33. Lower Tax on Charitable Gambling
We support lowering taxes on charitable gambling so more of that revenue can go to local communities rather than going to pay for the stadium.
34. Mail Order Prescriptions
We support increasing the safe and reliable delivery of mail order medications and providing patients options for alternate methods of filling drugs.
35. Mental Health Coverage
We support expanding Mental Health Care, Counseling, and Chemical Dependency choices for Minnesotans on Medicare.
36. Mental Health Services
We support increasing the accessibility of comprehensive and equitable mental health services for all families.
37. Mental Illness Justice
We support jail and prison diversion with adequate access to mental health care for inmates as well as funding for community competency restoration programs.
38. Minimum Wage
We support increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2022.
39. Minority Education
We support giving assistance to minority populations to afford college or vocational training in order to raise their standard of living and reduce incarceration.
40. Oppose Enbridge Line 3
We support protecting the environment from climate change and oil spills by opposing the building of the Enbridge #3 oil pipeline.
41. OSHA Protections
We support legislation to align Minnesota OSHA penalties with the Federal OSHA penalties as Minnesota is currently out of step with the Federal penalties.
42. OSHA Protections
We support setting OSHA air quality standards for enclosed and partially enclosed construction sites to be equal to the air-quality standards of non-construction sites with respect to parts per million of dust, fibers and any other friable substances, gases and vapors.
43. Pesticides
We support policies to reduce or eliminate the use of unsafe pesticides (such as glyphosate, neonicotinoids and chlorpyrifos).
44. Pre-K Education
We support state-funded pre-Kindergarten education for all children.
45. Pre-K Education
We support state-funded pre-Kindergarten education for children starting at age 4.
46. Prevent Elder Abuse
We support preventing elder abuse by ensuring and enforcing regulatory oversight of long-term care facilities, providing adequate wages and reimbursements for care, and imposing appropriate penalties for abuse of elders.
47. Protect Contract Workers
We support legislation that uses the ABC test (determines independent-contractor status), since 10 to 30 percent of employers misclassify employees as independent contractors, to ensure working Minnesotans are properly classified and can enjoy all the rights, protections, and benefits they deserve as employees per the National Labor Relations Act.
48. Protect the Boundary Waters
We support protection of the BWCA from reduction in size and all forms of air or water pollution.
49. Protect Wolves
We oppose laws that allow recreational wolf hunting and trapping or the use of snares. We support grants for using non-lethal wolf prevention methods on farms, fair compensation for livestock losses, and increased public education regarding wolves.
50. Public School Funding
We support increasing per-pupil funding for Minnesota's K-12 public schools by 10%.
51. Public School Funding
We support levying a wealth tax on large corporations and the top 1% of Minnesotans in order to fully fund the state's K-12 public schools.
52. Public Transit
We support accessible and affordable public transit, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, thus improving air quality, health, economic opportunity, and reducing carbon emissions.
53. Ranked Choice Voting
We support Ranked Choice Voting "Local Options" and statewide legislation.
54. Reduce Single-Use Plastics
We support reducing the use of single-use plastic items by all government agencies and businesses by 2022.
55. Renewable Fuel
We support adherence to the Renewable Fuels Standard by all refiners without exception.
56. Reroute Line 3
We support the rerouting of the Enbridge #3 Pipeline to minimize the potential negative impacts on the environment and significant sacred cultural and economic areas for our Native Peoples.
57. Restoring Vote
We support legislation that would allow people to vote after they have served their time and are living in the community.
58. Reusable Shopping Bags
We support increasing taxes on paper and plastic bags to encourage use of reusable bags.
59. Sustainable Farming
We support eliminating corporate farm subsidies and supporting sustainable farming by promoting local sourcing of food, funding education, and providing added incentives for pesticide-free and GMO-free crops.
60. Taxing Social Security
We support eliminating Minnesota income taxes on Social Security payments while adding a wealth tax on the top 10% of earners to make up the difference.
61. Tran & Non-Binary Rights
We support the addition of gender-neutral public spaces throughout Minnesota.
62. Violence Prevention Research
We support funding gun-violence research and using the findings to combat gun violence.
63. Volunteers for Specialized Transportation
We support legislation that allows volunteer drivers to be reimbursed for driving expenses without being classified as hired carriers.
64. Work Week
We support legislation to enact a 40-hour work week.