What is a Precinct Chair?
SD57 DFL Precinct Chair or Vice Chair Job Description
A Precinct Chair and two Precinct Vice Chairs (at least one must be not of the same gender identity as the Chair) are elected by their precinct caucus to a two-year term.
The Precinct Chair or Vice Chair(s) is the face and voice of the DFL party at its grass roots level, the precinct. Precincts are geographic neighborhoods, and the politically like-minded people who live in them. Every other level in the DFL is built on the grass-roots organization that happens in precincts. As precinct leaders, you are the point of contact for neighbors interested in the DFL. You can be the change makers in your neighborhood.
As Precinct Chair, you are a member of your Senate District Central Committee, which meets every month.
Vice Chairs are Alternates to the Central Committee.
As precinct leaders, we ask that you reach out to your neighbors, doing things like helping to recruit volunteers, inviting neighbors to events, and building relationships.
Sample activities include helping to:
You are also expected to participate in on-going Precinct Chair and Vice Chair trainings, mentoring opportunities and other Precinct Chair/Vice Chair gatherings.
Your attendance at Senate District meetings and work on Senate District projects and events is critical, and will give you lots of ideas about things you can do in, and communicate with, your precinct. Your participation in the Senate District will also allow you to bring your ideas to the Senate District leadership for adoption and implementation.
SD57 DFL Precinct Chair or Vice Chair Job Description
A Precinct Chair and two Precinct Vice Chairs (at least one must be not of the same gender identity as the Chair) are elected by their precinct caucus to a two-year term.
The Precinct Chair or Vice Chair(s) is the face and voice of the DFL party at its grass roots level, the precinct. Precincts are geographic neighborhoods, and the politically like-minded people who live in them. Every other level in the DFL is built on the grass-roots organization that happens in precincts. As precinct leaders, you are the point of contact for neighbors interested in the DFL. You can be the change makers in your neighborhood.
As Precinct Chair, you are a member of your Senate District Central Committee, which meets every month.
Vice Chairs are Alternates to the Central Committee.
As precinct leaders, we ask that you reach out to your neighbors, doing things like helping to recruit volunteers, inviting neighbors to events, and building relationships.
Sample activities include helping to:
- Build relationships with precinct caucus participants over the next two years.
- Communicate via emailing, phoning, a blog, or social media.
- Let them know about Senate District events, and other DFL events.
- Hold precinct events.
- Find more DFLers in your precinct.
- Record and pass along info about those who might help the DFL and campaigns.
- Get people registered to vote.
- Pass out the DFL sample ballot and campaign literature for endorsed candidates.
- Get your precinct DFLers out to vote at election time.
You are also expected to participate in on-going Precinct Chair and Vice Chair trainings, mentoring opportunities and other Precinct Chair/Vice Chair gatherings.
Your attendance at Senate District meetings and work on Senate District projects and events is critical, and will give you lots of ideas about things you can do in, and communicate with, your precinct. Your participation in the Senate District will also allow you to bring your ideas to the Senate District leadership for adoption and implementation.