We're all volunteers, with common values and common goals.
Our monthly Central Committee meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a meeting link but haven't received one.
Our monthly Central Committee meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a meeting link but haven't received one.
DFL Senate District 56 Officers
Also on our Executive Committee because they are members of State-level committees:
Jim Hepworth, Janet Rohlf, Frank Sachs, Mark Stroessner.
Our Central Committee is comprised of members of our Executive Committee (above) and one elected leader from each precinct (One Precinct Chair with 2 Precinct Vice Chairs as their alternates).
Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs - If your precinct has a vacancy, please consider attending the next Central Committee meeting and nominating yourself.
AV1 Chair John Peschman
AV1 1st Vice Chair Ellen Bierman
AV1 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV2 Chair Kathy Clausen
AV2 1st Vice Chair Dawn Erbstoesser
AV2 2nd Vice Chair Kerry Johnson
AV3 Chair Cindi Dayus
AV3 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV3 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV4 Chair vacant
AV4 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV4 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV5 Chair Coleen Christensen
AV5 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV5 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV6 Chair Terri Giammona
AV6 1st Vice Chair Evan Faas
AV6 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV7 Chair vacant
AV7 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV7 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV8 Chair Frank Sachs
AV8 1st Vice Chair Jenny Hustad-Vaa
AV8 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV9 Chair Steve Huff
AV9 1st Vice Chair Mark Wilson
AV9 2nd Vice Chair Jane Willey
AV10 Chair Carol Fortman
AV10 1st Vice Chair Tamborah Moor
AV10 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV11 Chair John Corcoran
AV11 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV11 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV12 Chair Steve Dilger
AV12 1st Vice Chair Ron Maye
AV12 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV13 Chair Susan Bergquist
AV13 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV13 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV14 Chair Daniel Lebowitz
AV14 1st Vice Chair Adam Thompson
AV14 2nd Vice Chair Andrea Delgado
AV15 Chair vacant
AV15 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV15 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV16 Chair George Realmuto
AV16 1st Vice Chair Susan Wehrenberg
AV16 2nd Vice Chair vacant
E18 Chair vacant
E18 1st Vice Chair vacant
E18 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R1 Chair Denise Packard
R1 1st Vice Chair Angela Hart-Huot
R1 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R2 Chair Mindy Wychor
R2 1st Vice Chair Amy Golla
R2 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R3 Chair vacant
R3 1st Vice Chair vacant
R3 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R4 Chair vacant
R4 1st Vice Chair vacant
R4 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R5 Chair vacant
R5 1st Vice Chair vacant
R5 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R7 Chair Brian Rohrenbach
R7 1st Vice Chair vacant
R7 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R8 Chair Janet Rohlf
R8 1st Vice Chair vacant
R8 2nd Vice Chair vacant
- Chair: Dawn Erbstoesser, [email protected]
- Vice-Chair: Bill Middlecamp
- Outreach and Inclusion Officer: Jennifer Hugstad-Vaa
- Secretary: Kathleen Clausen
- Treasurer: Kyle Koch
- Brian Baker
- Susan Bergquist
- Cheryl Bergman
- Liz Carlson
- John Corcoran
- Nancy Hall
- Steve Huff
- Felonise Pitchford
- Jeanne Schwartz
- Nancy Stroessner
- Mike Supina
- Ken Wilson
- open - non-female identifying
Also on our Executive Committee because they are members of State-level committees:
Jim Hepworth, Janet Rohlf, Frank Sachs, Mark Stroessner.
Our Central Committee is comprised of members of our Executive Committee (above) and one elected leader from each precinct (One Precinct Chair with 2 Precinct Vice Chairs as their alternates).
Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs - If your precinct has a vacancy, please consider attending the next Central Committee meeting and nominating yourself.
AV1 Chair John Peschman
AV1 1st Vice Chair Ellen Bierman
AV1 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV2 Chair Kathy Clausen
AV2 1st Vice Chair Dawn Erbstoesser
AV2 2nd Vice Chair Kerry Johnson
AV3 Chair Cindi Dayus
AV3 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV3 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV4 Chair vacant
AV4 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV4 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV5 Chair Coleen Christensen
AV5 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV5 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV6 Chair Terri Giammona
AV6 1st Vice Chair Evan Faas
AV6 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV7 Chair vacant
AV7 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV7 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV8 Chair Frank Sachs
AV8 1st Vice Chair Jenny Hustad-Vaa
AV8 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV9 Chair Steve Huff
AV9 1st Vice Chair Mark Wilson
AV9 2nd Vice Chair Jane Willey
AV10 Chair Carol Fortman
AV10 1st Vice Chair Tamborah Moor
AV10 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV11 Chair John Corcoran
AV11 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV11 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV12 Chair Steve Dilger
AV12 1st Vice Chair Ron Maye
AV12 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV13 Chair Susan Bergquist
AV13 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV13 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV14 Chair Daniel Lebowitz
AV14 1st Vice Chair Adam Thompson
AV14 2nd Vice Chair Andrea Delgado
AV15 Chair vacant
AV15 1st Vice Chair vacant
AV15 2nd Vice Chair vacant
AV16 Chair George Realmuto
AV16 1st Vice Chair Susan Wehrenberg
AV16 2nd Vice Chair vacant
E18 Chair vacant
E18 1st Vice Chair vacant
E18 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R1 Chair Denise Packard
R1 1st Vice Chair Angela Hart-Huot
R1 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R2 Chair Mindy Wychor
R2 1st Vice Chair Amy Golla
R2 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R3 Chair vacant
R3 1st Vice Chair vacant
R3 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R4 Chair vacant
R4 1st Vice Chair vacant
R4 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R5 Chair vacant
R5 1st Vice Chair vacant
R5 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R7 Chair Brian Rohrenbach
R7 1st Vice Chair vacant
R7 2nd Vice Chair vacant
R8 Chair Janet Rohlf
R8 1st Vice Chair vacant
R8 2nd Vice Chair vacant
Senate District 56 maps
- Senate District 56A here.
- Senate District 56B here.
- Apple Valley precincts here.
- Eagan precinct 18 here.
- Rosemount precincts here.
Prepared and paid for by SD56 DFL, 13575 Guild Ave., Apple Valley, MN 55124